All posts in Wild Money Blog

Money stories surround us.  Some we choose, others choose us.  Either way, we are impacted.  I’ve been wanting to explore money through the crucible of theater for several years, yet told myself in a stern and loving voice “not yet….not now, you have too much on your plate.”  Then in January the time had come, keep reading »

In five minutes a day you can accomplish so much. Really…you have to try it. What I’ve noticed is that clients that pay attention to their money are more likely to feel competent, to notice important details, and most importantly, they ask great questions. Curiosity, when it comes to money, is your new BFF.  Spend keep reading »

Money as Medicine

Medicine can heal, poison, hold disease at bay, or kill if wrongly used.  Money can do the same to a person. Today I want to explore this while opening to an entirely different way of looking at both medicine and money.  I hope you’ll join me. Medicine: 1. any substance or substances used in treating keep reading »

I was working with a client the other week and heard myself say, “How much savings would be enough?”  Damn!  There’s that word again!  Trying to get it out of my vocabulary but it creeps in like a sneaky old boyfriend. REFRAME! Let’s look at the difference between having enough savings and having plenty of keep reading »

Today I offer you an interview with Oralee Stiles… she is a spiritual director and minister, who lives life fully, isn’t above skinny dipping with twenty women half her age, and is newly engaged to her beloved, Harry.  They’ve known each other since attending a church camp in Wisconsin when they were 13 years old, keep reading »

wo months into my year of Plenty I’ve already been transformed.  On New Year’s Eve 2013 I did a ritual about stepping through my resistance to wealth and releasing my remaining business debt.  What I noticed in 2013 was that my business revenue jumped 40%, but my own salary grew by less than 10%.  I keep reading »

I’ve seen it happen— a father with three young children drops dead of a heart attack at 40 years old; the sister dies in a skiing accident; the partner who “accidentally” falls off a cliff; the mother who’s breast cancer returns with a vengeance, and before she’s had time to think about the mess of keep reading »

Last week, after being snowed in for five days (in Portland, OR— strange, I know!), I was finally able to get my car out of the driveway. Definitely plenty of snow around here! I drove downtown to meet my younger brother for a belated birthday breakfast, and just as I was maneuvering my car into keep reading »
